Greenmeadow Primary School

Sports Premium Funding

Sport is a key part of the National Curriculum and a key way in which we can all become physically and mentally fit. Developing these skills and attitudes are important to us so that children can both enjoy a sport and find an activity which they will enjoy pursuing as they move through school and into further schooling. The Government allocates a grant to every school in England to spend on PE, sport and the adventurous curriculum. At Greenmeadow Primary School, our PE coordinator teaches PE and assists with the planning and teaching of other teachers’ P.E. lessons and planning. Our children take part in a range of activities both during and after the school day beyond their curriculum entitlement. We participate in sports events and sports festivals with other local schools and within Swindon. By the time a child leaves us in Year 6, they will have all represented the school at least once in a sporting event.

In the academic year 2023/2024, we have been allocated £17,990. Greenmeadow are continuing to commit a large proportion of the funding into CPD and resourcing to support quality first teaching. In addition to this, we are continuing to commit to providing opportunities of high quality PE after school for all children whilst further developing active participation by the children in their break and lunchtimes. We will be providing further opportunities to develop through inter and intra school competitions in a range of sports. During the school day, we will provide opportunities to experience new sports through focused PE days. Last year this included scooting, skating, dancing and cricket. This year we have already undertaken whole school work in orienteering and skipping.

Evidencing Impact of Sports Premium Grant and Appendices for 2022-2023

Sports Premium spend for 2022 - 2023

Projected Sports Premium spend for Academic Year 2023-2024

 Sports Premium 2021-2022 Report.pdfDownload
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