Greenmeadow Primary School

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)


At Greenmeadow Primary School, we believe that every individual is important and should be included in all aspects of school life.  We aim to support and guide every child to achieve their best including those with special educational needs or disabilities.  We believe that provision should take into account the needs of each individual in order to remove barriers to their learning, allowing them to progress alongside their peers.  Greenmeadow Primary School recognises that every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  Teachers use a range of multisensory learning strategies to ensure SEND children are able to access the curriculum.  

Some children have particular learning and assessment requirements that could create barriers to learning. These requirements are likely to arise as a consequence of a child having special educational needs.  Teachers take account of these requirements and make provision, where necessary, to support individuals or groups of children enabling them to participate effectively in curriculum and assessment activities.  For further details of special needs and disability in our school please see our policy below.  

For details of how we supported our SEND children last year please see our annual report below.

SEND Policy 2023-24

SEND in a Nutshell

Annual SEND survey oct 2023. - This can be completed by anyone who has received help, advice, support, or is a professional from any of Swindon’s SEND Services.

Annual SEN report for parents 2023


Swindon Family SPLASH newsletters - A monthly newsletter for parents by Swindon Borough Council

Swindon SPLASH newsletters - A short weekly update of news from around the world of SEND in Swindon.

At Greenmeadow we support our SEND children through a four step cycle that continues across universal, targeted and specialist support.

Parents/carers are encouraged to take part fully in the process of assess, plan, do and review.  We believe that working closely with parents/carers and the child enables us to more fully understand children's needs and plan provision more effectively.  An outcomes based approach allows us to assess the progress made by each child and adjust support where necessary.  

For more information on our approach to SEND please click on our policy link above or contact our school SENDCo Mrs H Vaughan by phoning the school office or by e-mail

Our SEND Governor is Mrs Chris Norton. Contact email is

There is also lots of information in our parent and carer guide.  Please click on the link below for details.

Special educational needs and disability parent and carer guide.

Our school provides provision based on the four areas of need as described in the SEND code of practice 2015.  Details of universal, targeted and specialist support for SEND is outlined in the table below.

Individual and group support at Greenmeadow. 

SEND children may receive extra support within the classroom, in small groups or individually depending on the needs of the child.  The provision map above shows the support on offer in our school for each area of need.

EmotionaL Literacy Support Assistant

At Greenmeadow Primary School we take an holistic approach to each child, recognising that the social and emotional health of the children in our care can present barriers to their progress academically.  

Our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) provides specialised intervention in school across the three tiers of support to help support those children requiring extra help in this area.  


Greenmeadow Primary School is part of the Swindon Borough Council local offer for Special Educational Needs and Disability. 

For more information on the Swindon Borough Council offer and services for SEND please follow the link below.

We also recognise that some children may require additional support due to medical conditions to enable them to achieve their academic and personal potential.  For more information please click on our Supporting children with medical conditions policy link below.

Greenmeadow Primary School Policy for Supporting Children with medical conditions.

Aiming High

Local sports, leisure and physical activities in our area

Swindon Local Offer - Local sports, leisure and physical activities