Greenmeadow Primary School

Welcome to Pippin Class - EYFS

Teacher - Miss Piercy 

TA - Mrs Vines

TA- Miss Weston

TA- Miss Bourne

This year, we will be exploring the curriculum through a range of different lessons. We will encourage the children to express their opinions whilst respecting the opinions of others and provide them with opportunities to develop their learning through working in small groups, pairs or as individuals. Also, we will further develop communication skills through other mediums, including role play. If you have any questions then please contact me directly via the class email: or make an appointment to see me through the school office.

This term we are learning...


Class messages

Please ensure that your child always comes into school with a coat, especially with the weather getting colder.

Water bottles
Please provide your child with a water bottle every day. This is as well as a drink in their lunch box if they are having a packed lunch.

All children must have their PE kit in school every day to ensure that they can participate. We will be doing PE outside all the time where possible so please provide your child with appropriate clothing eg: tracksuit and trainers.

Children need to have earrings covered by micropore tape and hair tied back. Please also ensure that children have their name in each part of their kitIf your child is unable to take part in PE due to illness or injury, please notify us in writing including the reason for non-participation.

Please have your child's name in all of their clothes and belongings!


Children are expected to read 5 times a week and record it in their reading records. Children will be able to change their books when they have completed them. Before a book is changed, an adult in school will check that the child can read the book fluently. This will mean that children will need to practise reading and re-reading books to achieve fluency.

 Thank you for your continued support

 Miss Piercy