Greenmeadow Primary School

Welcome to Braeburn Class - Year 4

Class Teacher - Mrs Chandler 

Trainee Teacher - Miss Bluck

Our TA - Miss Melville

Year 4 Welcome letter

This year, we will be exploring the Year 4 curriculum through a range of different lessons. We will encourage the children to express their opinions whilst respecting the opinions of others and provide them with opportunities to develop their learning through working in small groups, pairs or as individuals. Also, we will further develop communication skills through other mediums, including role play. If you have any questions then please contact me directly via the class email: or make an appointment to see me through the school office.

                                                                                              Topic Web

Class messages

Please have your child's name in all of their clothes and belongings!

Please ensure that your child always comes into school with a coat, especially with the weather getting colder.

Water bottles
Please provide your child with a water bottle (containing water, not juice or flavoured water) and a snack (which should be fruits or veg) every day. This is as well as a drink in their lunch box if they are having a packed lunch.

We will have PE two times during the school week - on Tuesday and Wednesday. All children must have their PE kit in school every day to ensure that they can participate. We will do PE outside as much as possible, so please provide your child with appropriate clothing eg: tracksuit and trainers.

Children need to have earrings covered by micropore tape and hair tied back

Please also ensure that children have their name in each part of their kit! If your child is unable to take part in PE due to illness or injury, please notify me in writing including the reason for non-participation.

Every child is given a reading book and a new reading record to read at home. They need to have it in their bag everyday, so we can hear them read in school as well. Please make sure that the reading record book has been signed to say that your child has read at home. If it is not signed, we will assume that the book has not been read. Children should read at home at least 5 times per week.




Maths, English and Spelling homework will be given out each week on a Wednesday and due in on the following Monday.  The homework set will support the learning the children have been accessing in school.  



Spellings will be given out as part of the homework on a Wednesday.  There will be 10 spellings each week that are taken from the National Curriculum high frequency words or follow a given spelling rule.  There will be a short spelling activity and a table consisting of 4 columns for the children to practise their spellings using the 'look, cover, write, check' method.  Children will have a spelling test each Monday. 


Click here for Y3/4 common exception words 



These are the letter formations we use at Greenmeadow.

 Thank you for your continued support!