Greenmeadow Primary School


What is my child taught?

All children are taught the knowledge and skills that are specified by the Mathematics Curriculum 2014.

The Programmes of Study are:

  • Place Value
  • Adding and Subtracting
  • Multiply and Divide
  • Fractions
  • Measure
  • Geometry
  • Statistics

As each child journeys through the school he/she will be taught increasingly more complex knowledge and skills.

The pupils are then continually provided with opportunities to reason and apply their knowledge and skills and solve more complex problems.

Please see below our mathematics learning progression

Mathematics Learning Progression



Information for Parents

Please see the link below for the Greenmeadow Whole School Calculation policy/strategies. This policy models the strategies we use within school to support the learning of each of the calculations including addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. In the top left corner of each page you will see a number in a square, this represents the year group it applies to and allows you to see the progression of the strategies as children move up through the school.

Whole School Calculation Strategies

Mathematics Vision Statement