Greenmeadow Primary School

Welcome to Discovery Class - Year 6

Teacher - Miss Hitchcox 

TAs - Miss Compton and Miss Nicholson

This will be your final year in Primary School and we want to make the most of it. Over the year, you will grow from children to young adults, ready to make the move to Secondary School.

Throughout the year, we will be covering all areas of the curriculum and exploring and discovering new facts and connections between our learning.

In Year 6, you are expected to work hard, developing the skills and independence you will need for Secondary School. Your Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) are in May and lots of preparation work is undertaken throughout the year to prepare you for these.

If you have any questions, then please contact me directly via the class email:  or make an appointment to see me through the school office.


This term's topic web

Class messages

Please ensure that your child always comes into school with a coat, especially with the weather getting colder.

Water bottles
Please provide your child with a water bottle every day. This is as well as a drink in their lunch box if they are having a packed lunch.

We have PE twice during the school week - on Tuesday and Wednesday. All children must have their PE kit in school every day to ensure that they can participate. We will continue to do PE outside as often as possible so please provide your child with appropriate clothing eg: tracksuit and trainers.
Children need to have earrings covered by micropore tape and hair tied back.  Please also ensure that children have their name in each part of their kit! If your child is unable to take part in PE due to illness or injury, please notify me in writing including the reason for non-participation.
Please have your child's name in all of their clothes and belongings!

Children are expected to read five times a week and this is to be recorded in their reading records. Every Monday we will record the number of reads achieved. Children who meet the target will be rewarded with 5 minutes extra playtime! All children have Reading Eggs logins and reading on this online platform counts as a read too!

English and maths homework is set on a Friday and handed in on a Wednesday.  All children also have TTRS logins and should be logging in regularly to practice their times tables.

The children will have 10 spellings from the spelling pattern/rule.  Spellings are given out on Friday and tested on Wednesday. The new spellings will be stuck in the front of their yellow books and the children will be tested in the back of these books. 


These are the letter formations we use at Greenmeadow.

Thank you for your continued support!


Miss Hitchcox 

Key spellings that you can revise at home.