Greenmeadow Primary School

What do I do if my child is absent for a reason related to Covid?

 Public Health England and the NHS provide guidance for who needs to isolate and for how long. It is important that this guidance is followed for the health of all.

If your child is absent for a reason relating to Covid there are two pathways to follow:

  • If your child is feeling ill they may need to rest, have extra fluids etc. It is important that you follow advice from your doctor / pharmacist
  • If you child is not ill, they will need to continue with their learning


On the first day of absence

On the first day of absence, we ask that you inform the school office - either by email or phone at the earliest point. This information will then be shared with your child's class teacher. On the first day there is a range of work that your child can begin immediately. 

If they are able to, the following is a useful starting point to begin the day with your child:

  • Reading book – all children should have a reading book. Please can your child spend time reading their book. They can then complete some of the following activities: tell you what they have read and what they think will happen next; answer some questions with you on the text; look up new words they have come across in the book; or make up some questions for others to answer. For our younger children and beginner readers, it can be good to re-read the book as this helps with reading fluency
  • Reading eggs – all children have access to logins for Reading eggs and can access a wide range of books
  • Handwriting practise – One area of importance focus is looking at the height of letters and seeing which ones hang under the line.
  • Spellings – every child has new spellings each week. Your child can start to learn these by using rainbow writing where you practise writing them in different colours. They can explore the pattern – what is special about these words that they have been chosen to be learnt together? Can you find any more words with this pattern? Can you write them into sentences? If your child is off at the start of the week, which previously learnt words can they now remember – can they complete the activities above?
  • Number bonds – in FS and KS1 we learn a range of addition and subtraction number bonds. Can you show any of these – bonds to 10 / 20  e.g how many different ways can you make 7? How many ways can you make 20? We also look at other bonds e.g. bonds to 100. These start with patterns such as only using groups of tens e.g. 0+100=100  10+90=100 or pairs of numbers e.g. if I know 20+80=100 then I know 21+79=100
  • TTRS (Times Table Rock Stars) – children from Y2 up have logins for TTRS – this is a great way to reinforce multiplication and division facts
  • This website for maths has many free interactive games which support the four operations and times tables.

Most Popular Free Maths Games - Mathsframe

  • Topic / science self-study. On our class pages we have our topic webs for this term. Have a look at the topic and take some time to explore these further. Please remember if you are using the internet to search safely with parental support. You could design a fact page of five new facts you have found out
  • Complete any homework you have


Your child's class teacher will email you, at the earliest point, a plan of work for the day. This will be linked to the work in class so that children can continue to learn together. This will include English, maths and a range of other subjects. The other subjects are just as important as not only do they provide opportunities to develop further skills and knowledge but just they also provide other opportunities to develop a range of skills such as fitness and relaxation. We ask that you email back the work that your child has completed at the end of each school day. This is important so that teachers can see how your child is getting on and to see if there is anything further they can do to support. 

This pattern of learning will continue until your child returns to school.