Greenmeadow Primary School


Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual reaches his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a positive contribution to her or his community.

There are many ways in which we can support each other to have a positive mindset and strong wellbeing. This page contains many useful links for supporting your child. However, if you have any concerns please do speak to your child's teacher, Mrs Vaughan (SENDco) or Mrs Mackinnon (headteacher).


Supporting Wellbeing

There are many ways in which we can support wellbeing for our children and each other. Having clear routines can help some children understand the pattern of their day and be ready for the next day at school. This can include:

  • Having breakfast before school
  • Feeling settled when they come in - by being on time and coming in with their peers children can have a more settled start and join in some of the social part of the day before lessons begin
  • Having a routine for reading and homework - by planning these activities into times on the week it can reduce conflict 
  • Having a good bedtime routine helps children get a good sleep. This includes not using screens before bedtime, going to bed at a sensible time and feeling ready for the next day

Parent Support Advisor

If you would like to talk to our Parent Support Adviser about any of the areas above or other areas of support, such as behavioural needs, you can contact Jacqui Cook via the school office on or book one of our parent drop in sessions. Jacqui is a source of knowledge and a great listening ear. 

Links for Resources to Support Children 

There are many resources available to help support you child's mental health and emotional wellbeing at home. Please find below resources which you may find useful.

Worry and Anxiety

Wilbur's worries



Bereavement booklet.

Coping with grief

Wellbeing and self esteem

5 day self esteem challenge

Calming activities

Wellbeing activities.

In addition, further resources are available to support children's wellbeing by clicking on the following link. 


Ideas to support your child with sleep

Mental Health/Behaviour

Happy maps - a range of resources

Improving children's mental health

A full range of useful links for pre-school and school age children

Explaining COVID - 19 to young children

We recognise that some children were confused and anxious about Covid.  By clicking on the link below you can access a child-friendly booklet to help you explain Covid to your child.

Coronavirus - A booklet for children

Resources to Support Families and Parents

Additional advice and resources may be found by clicking on the links below:

Family Rights Group

Family Relationships

Homeschooling and parenting advice - Net Mums




 Support for Families / Cost of Living

We realise that for many families there are many pressures currently.  The following are some useful links: 

For any of you who are struggling to get out or need help you can contact Voluntary Action Swindon at  

On the top bar look for Coronavirus - help and support

In addition, Swindon Borough Council have a Live Well Hub and a compassionate Swindon group that have set up ‘Here for Swindon’, details below.